Tuesday, June 1, 2010

4 weeks old

Well they are 4 weeks old now, eating food, still working on weaning a little bit and almost sleeping through the night. They also enjoyed the beautiful Memorial Day weekend and got to play in the back yard. Big sister Ruby was thrilled!!! She finally got to play with the little guys.

Sutter and Ruby had a great time with them outside. Now they bark at me a couple of times a day to let me know that it is time let the pups out in the yard to play with them. The pups play for about 30 minutes then crash for a couple of hour nap!!! Just like babies, the fresh air is good for them and wears them out.

Ruby is more of a worry wart than her mom. I think Sutter has learned to relax over the years with the pups, but this is a first for Ruby and she runs around checking on all of them. Since there are only 4 pups, I think she can keep track of them all and notices when one is missing or has wandered away and goes looking for it. She gives the wandering pup a little bark and nudge with her nose to get it going back in the direction she wants it to. Pretty funny. And the pups love Ruby, they just don't understand why she doesn't have nipples and let them nurse!

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